Monday, July 02, 2012


The following is an instructive moral story told by His Divine Grace Bhakti

Siddantha Saraswathi Maharaj Prabhupada.

Once there lived a drunkard in a

village. Seeing his condition, a sadhu compassionately advised him, "Please

give up drinking. If you drink, you will go to hell." The drunkard replied,

"But Suren babu is also drinking." The sadhu said, "He will also go to hell."

Then the drunkard started listing all his friends, "What about Varunbabu

And Arunbabu?" The sadhu replied patiently, "All of them who drink will go to

hell." Pleased to hear the reply the drunkard further inquired, "What are

all the other sins for which one will be sent to hell?" The sadhu said, "People who

say lies, people who cheat others, those who loot others and all those who

are engaged in illicit sex, all are destined to hell." Then drunkard asked, "So

what about the prostitute Padmini?" The sadhu replied, "She will surely be

sent to hell. She and all prostitutes will be sentenced to hell." Hearing this

the drunkard became joyful, "Oh ! Then that hell is really a jolly place to


Many of us have the same mindset as this drunkard. We think that if

majority of people are doing the same mistake, then there is no harm in us

doing the same. This is the same case with almost all the social problems like bribery, robbery, & what not.

But that is not the case. Intelligent people learn from others

mistakes. But foolish people think they are in safe position as long as

majority of people are doing the same mistake. Just because majority of people are

doing the mistake, the Lord is not going to change His laws. Even if we are

all going to be in hell with our friends and followers, each one of us will be fried

in separate oil pans according to the level of mistake. As it is our

past-sinful acts will take us to hell, if we don't perform sincere

devotional service in this life. So let us not be hell-bent. Instead of adding on to our sin list, it is better we try to make the best

use of this human birth in spiritual quest.

All Glories to God!